I WAS ONE OF THOSE KIDS who had no idea what to answer on Career Day when asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Everyone else seemed to have a clear direction, but for me, the most logical answer was not a particular profession, but a base desire to be happy.

Of course,  everyone wants this, so this was not a profound insight. The difference was that I never saw this path to happiness in the form of a career. I saw it as a life philosophy.

I concluded, what better way to secure happiness than to always follow your heart? So I simplified. I decided that it was not important to know exactly what one will become. It was more important to explore with honesty, and to understand what the heart wants, to allow the path to unfold and have the courage to embrace what the heart reveals.

My heart is my compass. I follow what I love. It is that simple.

And it has made all the difference.

MY WHOLE CAREER has been an exploration of every aspect of entrepreneurship, embodying a grassroots, do it myself, resourceful tenacity to grow and learn and build something great.

I began my journey hustling as an artist for hire (IRONYWRX), took on the Shop Manager role at Otis Collge of Art & Design, grew my client list, honed my skill set developing my own business, while consulting for several other small businesses on the side, and eventually served in the Peace Corps Morocco Small Business Development Program.

After that, I traveled. A lot.

A decade has passed as an expat, and I have become a yoga teacher in Italy, India, and Morocco. I have managed a guesthouse in south of Morocco for the last two years, and led university students on cultural exchanges through the north of the country.

Now, I’ve begun a new chapter developing a leather EVERYDAY TRAVEL BAG with local artisans in Chefchaouen, Morocco.

I also freelance as a Small Business Consultant, Content Creation Expert, Travel Consultant and Cultural Coordinator.

Further details available HERE.

Copyright ©2020 this Modern Nomad / Stacey Hoshimiya.  All rights reserved.

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